Sunday, May 30, 2010

Conduit day two

Its late but I had a great time today. Started at 9 am setting up at the table, had a lot of people come by to the table and the guest of honor Barbara Hambly came by my table and talked with her for about twenty minutes. Barbara told this great story about her husband and the experience she had with him after he had passed what a great story, I wont share it here but I am sure it is on her blog. The funny thing was I had no idea who she was, until late tonight Paul Genesse was talking about here address and the experience she had with her husband, I was shocked to find out it was her. What a great lady very down to earth. Around 2 pm I ran a RPG (roll playing game) called Paranoia XP, had five players and had a fantastic time. With the end having them all die in a Thermal Nuclear Explosion. The Masquerade was way cool and I have to day the Hat costumes were the best but all were fantastic. I ended today with an interview with KTalk 630 am. Tomorrow is going to be a much busier day, first panel is at 10 am on podcast, than 11:00 am I have a reading with Paul Genesse man what an act to follow, Noon I have a panel on Doctor Who or who is John Smith. Free for the next three hours and my last panel will be at 4 pm "History, Folklore, and The Paranormal" Good night all.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Conduit Day One

May 28th, I am at the Downtown Radisson Hotel in Salt Lake City, Utah. I love this con, it is their 20 year anniversary. Started the day off as a Mediator for a panel on Time Travel with one of my good friends Paul Genesse. Was a blast have to say I was a bit nervous since I have never been a Mediator but still a great time. Little later I had a panel on Voices from the Dead: so much fun meeting people interested in the paranormal. Had some great questions and some very interesting people. Later that night held a basic Ghost hunting class and went over safety and how to ask EVP questions and types of haunting. off to bed and day two tomorrow.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Lecture at Neumont University

Wow what a great time at Neumont University tonight. Meet some great people and had some great questions asked. Neumont University is a school that deals with Computer Science, these kids and I mean kids (I felt very old standing in front of them) get their Bachelors in Computer science in a 2 years or sooner. Some stay on and get their Masters. So to say I was in a room with people a lot more smarter than me would be an understatement. At one point I was asked a questions that I swear it sounded as if the teacher from those old Charlie Brown Cartoons asked it. The words this kid used would of made Steven Hawking feel lost. Played some EVP and we showed some photos. Not to say the sloppy Joes were GREAT. Look forward to go back and talk more to these kids.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Dungeon Crawler Radio

Hi all,

so Monday night I spent three hours with Dungeon Crawler Radio. I love these guys and if your a geek like me this is your show. We talked about ghost, movies, some RPG and the Titanic trip. So check them out We did have some interesting issues that night. Towards the end of the night when we were playing some EVP's I had we started having technical issues. Mics not working, some of the tracks would not play than they would we even had an EVP just start playing. Listen to the show it was a great time.