Had a great time tonight at http://www.goldenbraidbooks.com/ did a small reading and book signing. There were about 30 people there and was a great night. You can also now pick up a copy of the book there. Thanks for everyone that came.
Tom Carr has been walking in the dark for over twenty years. As the founder of Wasatch Paranormal, a ghost hunting team based in Salt Lake City, Utah, and host of the popular paranormal podcast Residual Haunting Revived (now going into its sixth year), Tom is an expert in the field of the paranormal. He is also an author, having written Talking to Yourself in the Dark, and movie producer. He owns Bag of Holding Productions, a prodco that looks forward to changing horror films are made. Tom made his film debut as a writer and director of Extra Credit, a short horror film that aired at and was given an honorable mention at the Canadian film fest. Sick of the blood and guts horror that dominate so much of Hollywood, Tom aims to bring back the days when horror films scared instead of just nauseated the audience. Pushing ahead, Tom is now working on two new projects: a short steampunk film, and a full length horror film called Slow Drain. People Tom admired growing up were Alfred Hitchcock, Stanley Kubrick, George Romero, and J.R.R Tolkien, and he hopes to bring his own specific touch and expertise to the realms of creativity they inspired.
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